Configuration ============= Overview -------- The ``ak`` tool requires a configuration file at: ``~/.config/ak/config.ini`` If this file does **not** exist, ``ak`` automatically creates a minimal default configuration upon first run (see :ref:`minimal-default-config` below). The config file defines how ``ak``: - Retrieves and manages **AWS** credentials (including MFA). - Handles **Kubernetes** kubeconfigs and tokens. This document describes each configuration section and the relevant keys you can set. .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 Global Structure ---------------- A typical ``ak`` configuration file has at least two main sections: 1. A global **[aws]** section for AWS-wide settings (e.g., default credentials file, token duration, default profile). 2. One or more **[aws.]** sections describing specific AWS sub-profiles (e.g., `[]`, `[aws.home]`, `[]`, etc.). 3. A global **[kube]** section for Kubernetes defaults (e.g., where your kubeconfig files live, how long tokens last, etc.). For example: .. code-block:: ini [aws] credentials_file = /home/user/.aws/credentials token_validity_seconds = 43200 default_profile = company [] original_profile = company-root authenticated_profile = company-root-mfa mfa_serial = arn:aws:iam::3453453454345:mfa/yubikey4 [aws.home] original_profile = home-systems authenticated_profile = home-systems-mfa mfa_serial = arn:aws:iam::262626262626:mfa/yubikey4 [kube] configs_dir = /home/user/.kubeconfigs temp_dir = /home/user/.kubeconfigs_temp token_validity_seconds = 900 default_config = dev You can add more or fewer sections to suit your environment. [aws] Section ------------- This **global** section controls overall AWS-related defaults. It must be named exactly ``[aws]``. Keys include: - **credentials_file** (string): Path to your AWS credentials file. Typically this is ``~/.aws/credentials`` but you can set it to any file. When you run ``ak l ``, ``ak`` updates credentials in this file. - **token_validity_seconds** (integer, default = 43200): How long temporary AWS credentials remain valid, in **seconds**. By default, 43200 seconds = 12 hours. If you do not specify a duration in a sub-profile, this global value is used. - **default_profile** (string): Name of the AWS sub-profile to use if the user does not explicitly specify ``--aws-profile``. For example, if you set `default_profile = home`, then running commands without ``--aws-profile`` will fall back to the sub-profile `[aws.home]`. Example: .. code-block:: ini [aws] credentials_file = /home/user/.aws/credentials token_validity_seconds = 43200 default_profile = company [aws.] Sub-Profiles ---------------------------- Each sub-profile is an additional section named `[aws.]`. These define how ``ak`` handles MFA, short-lived AWS credentials, and override token durations (if desired). Within each sub-profile section, you may configure: - **original_profile** (string): The name of your base AWS CLI profile used to **authenticate** via MFA. This profile **must** exist in your AWS credentials file. For example, if you have: ``` [company-root] aws_access_key_id = ... aws_secret_access_key = ... ``` then `original_profile` would be `company-root`. - **authenticated_profile** (string): The name of the AWS CLI profile where **short-lived** credentials (STS tokens) are written after MFA login. Typically something like `company-root-mfa`. `ak` will automatically write updated credentials under this profile in your credentials file. - **mfa_serial** (string): The ARN of the MFA device associated with your AWS account. For example: ``arn:aws:iam::123456789012:mfa/your.username`` - **token_validity_seconds** (integer, optional): If present, overrides the global `[aws].token_validity_seconds` for this sub-profile only. This allows certain profiles to have shorter or longer MFA validity periods. If omitted, the global default is used. Example: .. code-block:: ini [] original_profile = company-root authenticated_profile = company-root-mfa mfa_serial = arn:aws:iam::3453453454345:mfa/yubikey4 [aws.home] original_profile = home-systems authenticated_profile = home-systems-mfa mfa_serial = arn:aws:iam::262626262626:mfa/yubikey4 [] original_profile = company-dev-root authenticated_profile = company-dev-root-mfa mfa_serial = arn:aws:iam::111111111111:mfa/dev-yubikey4 token_validity_seconds = 7200 ; 2 hours just for dev When you run: .. code-block:: bash ak l 123456 --aws-profile company ``ak``: 1. Looks up `[]` 2. Uses `company-root` as `original_profile` 3. Writes short-lived credentials to `company-root-mfa` 4. Applies the sub-profile’s `mfa_serial` 5. Uses either the sub-profile’s `token_validity_seconds`, or if not set, the global `[aws]` value. [kube] Section -------------- This section handles Kubernetes-specific settings. It **must** be named `[kube]`. Keys include: - **configs_dir** (string, default = ``~/.kubeconfigs``): Directory where you store your named kubeconfig files (e.g., `dev`, `prod`, `staging.yaml`, etc.). You switch among these with ``ak c ``. - **temp_dir** (string, default = ``~/.kubeconfigs_temp``): Directory where ``ak`` writes out **temporary** kubeconfig files, containing short-lived tokens. This prevents you from overwriting your original kubeconfigs. - **token_validity_seconds** (integer, default = 900): Kubernetes token validity in seconds. By default, 900 seconds = 15 minutes. Once the token expires, ``ak`` will automatically re-generate a new token upon the next command (or you can run ``ak r`` to force a refresh). - **default_config** (string, optional): The default kubeconfig name if you do not specify one in commands like ``ak c`` or in your environment variables. If omitted, you must always provide an explicit kubeconfig name. Example: .. code-block:: ini [kube] configs_dir = /home/user/.kubeconfigs temp_dir = /home/user/.kubeconfigs_temp token_validity_seconds = 900 default_config = dev In this example: - ``ak c dev`` copies `/home/user/.kubeconfigs/dev` to a file in `/home/user/.kubeconfigs_temp`. - The new file has AWS-based entries replaced with static tokens that remain valid for 15 minutes. - If you omit `dev`, it defaults to whatever is under `default_config`. Minimal Default Config ---------------------- .. _minimal-default-config: If ``~/.config/ak/config.ini`` is **missing**, ``ak`` automatically creates a minimal config file with the following sections: .. code-block:: ini [aws] credentials_file = /home//.aws/credentials token_validity_seconds = 43200 default_profile = home [aws.home] original_profile = home authenticated_profile = home-authenticated mfa_serial = arn:aws:iam::222222222:mfa/token [kube] configs_dir = /home//.kubeconfigs temp_dir = /home//.kubeconfigs_temp token_validity_seconds = 900 default_config = home Adjust these defaults to fit your environment. Tips & Best Practices --------------------- 1. **Keep AWS Credentials Secure** Your `credentials_file` path should be readable only by your user. Avoid committing it to version control. 2. **Use Distinct Sub-Profiles** For each AWS environment (dev, prod, personal, etc.), create a separate `[aws.]` so you can run ``ak l`` with the correct `--aws-profile`. 3. **Shorter Durations in Sensitive Environments** If you want more frequent re-authentication, reduce `token_validity_seconds` in a sub-profile. E.g., `[] token_validity_seconds=3600`. 4. **Automate** Place commands like `eval "$(ak completion bash)"` in your `.bashrc` or `.zshrc`. You can also define an alias if you find yourself switching contexts frequently. 5. **Check Context** After switching kubeconfigs, you can run `kubectl config current-context` (or `ak x `) to confirm you’re in the correct environment. Conclusion ---------- By customizing `[aws]`, `[aws.]`, and `[kube]` sections, you can tailor ak to your specific AWS+Kubernetes environments. For further usage instructions, see :ref:`usage`. For an in-depth look at the internal config loading logic, refer to the :doc:`API Reference ` (specifically the `ak_tool.config` module).