Quick Start


Install via PyPI:

pip install ak-tool

Or from source:

git clone https://github.com/aharonh/ak-tool.git
cd ak-tool
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
make install

Generating Shell Completion

Bash example:

eval "$(ak completion bash)"


eval "$(ak completion zsh)"


ak completion fish | source

Basic Usage

  • AWS Login with MFA Code:

    ak l 123456
  • Switch to a Particular Kubeconfig:

    ak c dev
  • Switch to a Named Context:

    ak x kube-system

Prompt & Environment Variables

After running ak c <kubeconfig> or ak x <context>, your shell prompt (PS1) reflects the active context. The AWS_PROFILE environment variable automatically matches the AWS account linked to the new context. The KUBECONFIG environment variable updates to point to the correct kubeconfig file.