Usage Guide¶
ak centralizes AWS MFA login, Kubernetes context switching, and token refresh. It includes these core commands:
l (login):
ak l <mfa_code>
c (switch kubeconfig):
ak c <kube_name>
x (switch context):
ak x <context_name>
r (refresh token):
ak r
ak completion bash|zsh|fish
AWS MFA Login:
ak l 123456
This command retrieves short-lived AWS credentials under your configured
“authenticated_profile” and sets AWS_PROFILE
in your environment.
Switch Kubeconfig:
ak c dev
Copies the specified kubeconfig to a temporary file, replacing references to
with short-lived tokens.
Switch Context:
ak x kube-system
Allows you to select a different context within the same kubeconfig. Shell prompt updates accordingly (if you have the prompt script sourced).
Force Token Refresh:
ak r
Forces a refresh of the Kubernetes API token in the current (or specified) kubeconfig.
ak completion bash
Displays a script that you can source to enable tab completion. See quickstart for more details on shell completion.
Multiple Kubeconfigs & Namespaces¶
You can maintain multiple kubeconfigs for dev, staging, or production. For example:
ak c prod
ak x kube-system
Switching from one environment to another is just a single command away.
Automatic or On-Demand Token Refresh¶
When the Kubernetes API token expires but the AWS session token remains valid, ak automatically refreshes the token. If you want to proactively refresh, use:
ak r