Source code for ak_tool.cli

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""CLI entry point for the 'ak' tool.

This module provides the command-line interface for the 'ak' tool, which consolidates
AWS MFA login, Kubernetes context switching, and Kubernetes API token refreshing into
one simple CLI tool. It also includes functionality to print out the current version
when called with --version.

import sys
import os
import subprocess
import click
from click.shell_completion import CompletionItem
from ak_tool.config import AKConfig
from ak_tool.logger import setup_logger
from ak_tool.core import AWSManager, KubeManager
from ak_tool import __version__

[docs] def complete_aws_profile(ctx, param, incomplete): """Return a list of AWS profile names matching the incomplete text. Retrieves AWS profile names from configuration sections that start with `aws.` and returns those that begin with the provided incomplete string. Args: ctx (click.Context): Click context. param (click.Parameter): Click parameter. incomplete (str): Incomplete text typed by the user. Returns: list[CompletionItem]: A list of CompletionItem objects with matching AWS profile names. """ config = AKConfig() profiles = [] for section in config._cp.sections(): if section.startswith("aws."): profile_name = section[4:] # e.g. "aws.home" -> "home" if profile_name.startswith(incomplete): profiles.append(CompletionItem(profile_name)) return profiles
[docs] def complete_kube_name(ctx, param, incomplete): """Return a list of kubeconfig filenames matching the incomplete text. Scans the directory specified by the configuration for kubeconfigs and returns filenames that start with the provided incomplete string. Args: ctx (click.Context): Click context. param (click.Parameter): Click parameter. incomplete (str): Incomplete text typed by the user. Returns: list[CompletionItem]: A list of CompletionItem objects with matching kubeconfig filenames. """ config = AKConfig() kube_dir = config.kube_configs_dir kube_dir = os.path.expanduser(kube_dir) if not os.path.isdir(kube_dir): return [] items = [] for fname in os.listdir(kube_dir): if fname.startswith(incomplete): items.append(CompletionItem(fname)) return items
[docs] def complete_context_name(ctx, param, incomplete): """Return a list of Kubernetes context names matching the incomplete text. Executes `kubectl config get-contexts -o name` to retrieve context names, then filters and returns those that start with the provided incomplete string. Args: ctx (click.Context): Click context. param (click.Parameter): Click parameter. incomplete (str): Incomplete text typed by the user. Returns: list[CompletionItem]: A list of CompletionItem objects with matching Kubernetes context names. """ try: result = ["kubectl", "config", "get-contexts", "-o", "name"], capture_output=True, text=True, check=True, ) lines = result.stdout.split() except Exception: return [] items = [] for line in lines: if line.startswith(incomplete): items.append(CompletionItem(line)) return items
@click.version_option(version=__version__, prog_name="ak") short_help="A unified CLI for AWS MFA logins and Kubernetes context management.", help=( "ak (Access Kubernetes) consolidates AWS MFA login, Kubernetes context switching, " "and on-demand token refresh into a single CLI tool.\n\n" "For more details, see the official documentation or run 'ak COMMAND --help' " "to learn about each command." ) ) @click.option("--debug", is_flag=True, help="Enable debug logging.") @click.option( "--aws-profile", help="Name of AWS sub-profile section (e.g., 'company', 'home').", shell_complete=complete_aws_profile, ) @click.pass_context def ak(ctx, debug, aws_profile): """Main entry point for the 'ak' CLI tool. This group command initializes the logger, configuration, and AWS profile settings, passing them via the Click context to subcommands. Additionally, when invoked with the `--version` flag, the current version of the tool will be printed to the console. Args: ctx (click.Context): The Click context containing the logger and configuration. debug (bool): Flag to enable debug logging. aws_profile (str): AWS profile name to be used. """ ctx.ensure_object(dict) logger = setup_logger("ak", debug=debug) config = AKConfig() ctx.obj["logger"] = logger ctx.obj["config"] = config ctx.obj["aws_profile"] = aws_profile @ak.command( "l", short_help="Perform AWS MFA login with a one-time code.", help=( "Use an AWS MFA one-time code (e.g., from Authenticator or a hardware token) to " "generate short-lived AWS credentials under the corresponding authenticated profile. " "Prints an 'export' statement to update the calling shell environment.\n\n" "Example: ak l 123456" ) ) @click.argument("mfa_code", required=True) @click.pass_context def login_command(ctx, mfa_code): """Perform AWS MFA login. Uses the specified (or default) AWS profile to fetch an MFA-based STS session token. The command prints an export statement (e.g., `export AWS_PROFILE=...`) so that the calling shell can update its environment accordingly. Args: ctx (click.Context): The Click context containing the logger and configuration. mfa_code (str): The MFA code provided by the user. """ logger = ctx.obj["logger"] config = ctx.obj["config"] aws_profile_name = ctx.obj["aws_profile"] if aws_profile_name is None: aws_profile_name = config.default_aws_profile aws_mgr = AWSManager(config, logger, aws_profile_name=aws_profile_name) try: click.echo(aws_mgr.mfa_login(mfa_code)) except Exception as e: logger.error(str(e)) sys.exit(1) @ak.command( "c", short_help="Switch to a named kubeconfig.", help=( "Copies the specified kubeconfig to a temporary location, refreshing tokens if " "necessary, and prints an 'export KUBECONFIG=...' statement. This allows you to " "quickly switch between different Kubernetes clusters.\n\n" "Example: ak c dev" ) ) @click.argument("kube_name", required=True, shell_complete=complete_kube_name) @click.pass_context def switch_kubeconfig(ctx, kube_name): """Switch to a specific Kubernetes configuration. Copies the specified kubeconfig to a temporary file (refreshing tokens if necessary) and prints an export statement (e.g., `export KUBECONFIG=...`) so the calling shell can update its environment. Args: ctx (click.Context): The Click context containing the logger and configuration. kube_name (str): The name of the kubeconfig to switch to. """ logger = ctx.obj["logger"] config = ctx.obj["config"] kube_mgr = KubeManager(config, logger) try: export_line = kube_mgr.switch_config(kube_name) click.echo(export_line) except Exception as e: logger.error(str(e)) sys.exit(1) @ak.command( "x", short_help="Switch context within the active kubeconfig.", help=( "Select a different context in the existing kubeconfig, then update your shell prompt " "accordingly. Great for switching namespaces or cluster contexts without changing " "the underlying kubeconfig file.\n\n" "Example: ak x kube-system" ) ) @click.argument("context_name", required=True, shell_complete=complete_context_name) @click.pass_context def switch_context(ctx, context_name): """Switch the current Kubernetes context. Updates the active context in the existing temporary kubeconfig and adjusts the shell prompt (PS1) accordingly. Args: ctx (click.Context): The Click context containing the logger and configuration. context_name (str): The Kubernetes context name to switch to. """ logger = ctx.obj["logger"] config = ctx.obj["config"] kube_mgr = KubeManager(config, logger) try: export_line = kube_mgr.switch_context(context_name) click.echo(export_line) except Exception as e: logger.error(str(e)) sys.exit(1) @ak.command( "r", short_help="Force a Kubernetes API token refresh.", help=( "Refresh Kubernetes tokens in the current (or specified) kubeconfig file, ensuring " "your local environment remains authenticated. Useful if the token expires or you " "just want to proactively refresh.\n\n" "Example: ak r --kubeconfig dev" ) ) @click.option( "--kubeconfig", "-k", default="", help="Name of kubeconfig file to refresh. Use 'all' to refresh all kubeconfigs.", shell_complete=complete_kube_name, ) @click.pass_context def force_refresh(ctx, kubeconfig): """Force a refresh of the Kubernetes API token. This command refreshes all the static Kubernetes API tokens for the current kubeconfig, or for a specified kubeconfig if provided. Args: ctx (click.Context): The Click context containing the logger and configuration. kubeconfig (str): Name of kubeconfig file to refresh. Use 'all' to refresh all kubeconfigs. """ logger = ctx.obj["logger"] config = ctx.obj["config"] kube_mgr = KubeManager(config, logger) try: kube_mgr.force_refresh(kubeconfig) except Exception as e: logger.error(str(e)) sys.exit(1)
[docs] def get_shell_mode(shell): """Determine the Click completion mode for the given shell. Args: shell (str): The shell name (e.g., "bash", "zsh", or "fish"). Returns: str: The Click completion mode corresponding to the shell. Raises: ValueError: If the shell is unsupported. """ if shell == "bash": return "bash_source" elif shell == "zsh": return "zsh_source" elif shell == "fish": return "fish_source" else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported shell: {shell}")
[docs] def get_official_completion(mode): """Retrieve the official Click-generated shell completion script. Executes a subprocess call with the environment variable `_AK_COMPLETE` set to the specified mode and returns the resulting completion script. Args: mode (str): The shell completion mode. Returns: str: The shell completion script. Raises: subprocess.CalledProcessError: If the subprocess call fails. """ try: result = ["env", f"_AK_COMPLETE={mode}", "ak"], capture_output=True, text=True, check=True, ) return result.stdout except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: click.echo(f"Failed to retrieve completion script: {e.stderr}", err=True) sys.exit(1) except Exception as e: click.echo(f"Unexpected error: {e}", err=True) sys.exit(1)
[docs] def generate_bash_zsh_wrapper(shell): """Generate a custom wrapper function for Bash or Zsh. The wrapper executes the 'ak' binary and evaluates lines that begin with the `>>>` prefix to update the shell's environment and prompt. Args: shell (str): The shell type ("bash" or "zsh"). Returns: str: A string containing the custom wrapper script. """ return f""" # Wrapper function for 'ak': executes the binary and evaluates lines that start with '>>>' prefix function ak() {{ # Local variables local output local script="" # Run the actual 'ak' command, capturing its output output=$(command ak "$@") || return 1 # Read each line of output while IFS= read -r line; do # If the line begins with >>>, remove the prefix and accumulate if [[ $line == ">>>"* ]]; then line="${{line#>>>}}" script+="$line " else echo "$line" fi done <<< "$output" # Evaluate the accumulated lines at once eval "$script" }} """
[docs] def generate_bash_zsh_prompt_script() -> str: """Generate a one-off script for Bash/Zsh that defines and sets a colorful prompt showing user@host, directory, Git branch, and Kube context. Returns: str: The script for setting a colorful prompt in Bash/Zsh. """ return r""" # Define a function to set a new colorful prompt function ak_prompt { # Username@Host in bold green local __user_and_host="\[\033[01;32m\]\u@\h" # Current directory in bold blue local __cur_location="\[\033[01;34m\]\w" # Reset color local __reset_color="\[\033[00m\]" # Git branch in red local __git_branch_color="\[\033[31m\]" local __git_branch='`git branch --show-current 2>/dev/null | sed -E "s/(.*)/\1\\\[\\\033[00m\\\],/"`' # Kubeconfig in purple local __kubeconfig_color="\[\033[35m\]" local __kubeconfig='`{ [ -z "$KUBECONFIG" ] && echo '-' || basename "$KUBECONFIG" | sed 's/-temp$//'; }`' # Kube context in cyan (if any) local __kube_context_color="\[\033[36m\]" local __kube_context='`{ c="$(kubectl config current-context 2>/dev/null)"; [ -z "$c" ] || [ -z "$KUBECONFIG" ] && echo '-' || echo "$c"; }`' # Prompt tail in purple local __prompt_tail="\$" # Compose the final PS1 export PS1="${__user_and_host} ${__cur_location} "\ "${__reset_color}("\ "${__git_branch_color}${__git_branch}"\ "${__kubeconfig_color}${__kubeconfig}"\ "${__reset_color}/"\ "${__kube_context_color}${__kube_context}"\ "${__reset_color})"\ "${__prompt_tail}${__reset_color} " } ak_prompt """
[docs] def generate_fish_wrapper(): """Generate a custom wrapper function for the Fish shell. The wrapper executes the 'ak' command and accumulates lines that begin with the `>>>` prefix into a single string, then evaluates them all at once. Returns: str: The custom wrapper function script for the Fish shell. """ return r""" function ak --wraps=command ak set -l output (command ak $argv) set -l script "" for line in $output if test (string sub -l 3 $line) = ">>>" set -l stripped_line (string sub --start=3 $line) if test -z "$script" set script "$stripped_line" else set script "$script $stripped_line" end else echo $line end end if not test -z "$script" eval "$script" end end """
[docs] def generate_fish_prompt_script() -> str: """Generate a one-off script for Fish that defines a new fish_prompt function showing user@host, directory, Git branch, and Kube context in color. Returns: str: The Fish prompt script. """ return r""" function fish_prompt # 1. user@host in bold green set_color green --bold echo -n (whoami)"@"(hostname -s)" " # 2. current directory in bold blue set_color blue --bold echo -n (pwd)" " # 3. reset color, then print "(" set_color normal echo -n "(" # 4. Git branch in red (with trailing comma if non-empty) set branch (git branch --show-current 2>/dev/null) if test -n "$branch" set_color red echo -n $branch set_color normal echo -n "," end # 5. Kubeconfig in purple or '-' if empty set kubecfg "" if test -z "$KUBECONFIG" set kubecfg "-" else set tmp (basename "$KUBECONFIG") set tmp (string replace -r '-temp$' '' -- $tmp) set kubecfg $tmp end set_color magenta echo -n $kubecfg # 6. Print a slash in default color set_color normal echo -n "/" # 7. Kube context in cyan or '-' if empty (or if $KUBECONFIG is empty) set ctx (kubectl config current-context 2>/dev/null) if test -z "$ctx" -o -z "$KUBECONFIG" set ctx "-" end set_color cyan echo -n $ctx # 8. close parentheses set_color normal echo -n ")" # 9. final prompt symbol in purple set_color magenta echo -n "$ " # 10. reset color set_color normal end """
[docs] def generate_custom_wrapper(shell): """Generate a shell-specific custom function wrapper. Dispatches the wrapper generation to the appropriate function based on the shell. Args: shell (str): The shell name ("bash", "zsh", or "fish"). Returns: str: A string containing the custom wrapper script for the specified shell. Raises: SystemExit: Prints an error and exits if the shell is unsupported. """ if shell in ["bash", "zsh"]: return generate_bash_zsh_wrapper(shell) elif shell == "fish": return generate_fish_wrapper() else: click.echo(f"Unsupported shell: {shell}", err=True) sys.exit(1)
[docs] def generate_prompt_script(shell: str) -> str: """Return a one-off script that sets a colorized prompt displaying user@host, current directory, Git branch, and Kube context for the specified shell. Args: shell (str): The shell name ("bash", "zsh", or "fish"). Returns: str: The prompt script for the specified shell. """ if shell in ["bash", "zsh"]: return generate_bash_zsh_prompt_script() elif shell == "fish": return generate_fish_prompt_script() else: return ""
@ak.command( "completion", short_help="Generate a shell completion script for bash, zsh, or fish.", help=( "Generates an official Click completion script for your chosen shell (bash, zsh, or fish) " "and a custom wrapper that updates environment variables. You can source this script for " "interactive tab-completion.\n\n" "Example:\n eval \"$(ak completion bash)\"" ) ) @click.argument("shell", type=click.Choice(["bash", "zsh", "fish"]), default="bash") def completion_cmd(shell): """Generate a shell completion script and custom function wrapper. This command prints the official Click-generated shell completion script for the chosen shell, then appends a shell-specific wrapper function that adjusts environment variables and prompt. Args: shell (str): The shell type ("bash", "zsh", or "fish"). """ try: mode = get_shell_mode(shell) except ValueError as e: click.echo(str(e), err=True) sys.exit(1) official_script = get_official_completion(mode) custom_wrapper = generate_custom_wrapper(shell) prompt_script = generate_prompt_script(shell) click.echo(official_script) click.echo(custom_wrapper) click.echo(prompt_script)
[docs] def main(): """Entry point for the 'ak' CLI tool. Invokes the Click command group. """ ak()
if __name__ == "__main__": main()