Source code for ak_tool.config

import os
import configparser
from pathlib import Path

[docs] class AKConfig: """Loads and manages configuration for AWS and Kubernetes usage, including multiple AWS profiles in sections like `[]`, `[aws.home]`, etc. """ def __init__(self, config_path: str = "~/.config/ak/config.ini"): """Initialize the AKConfig object. This method expands the user path, ensures the configuration file exists, and loads the configuration. Args: config_path (str): Path to the configuration file. Defaults to `"~/.config/ak/config.ini"`. """ self.config_path = os.path.expanduser(config_path) self._cp = configparser.ConfigParser() self._ensure_exists() def _ensure_exists(self): """Ensure that the configuration file exists. If the configuration file does not exist, create a default one with minimal sections for AWS and Kubernetes. """ if not os.path.exists(self.config_path): config_dir = os.path.dirname(self.config_path) Path(config_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Global AWS defaults self._cp["aws"] = { "credentials_file": os.path.expanduser("~/.aws/credentials"), "token_validity_seconds": "43200", # 12 hours by default "default_profile": "home", } # Example for a 'home' sub-profile self._cp["aws.home"] = { "original_profile": "home", "authenticated_profile": "home-authenticated", "mfa_serial": "arn:aws:iam::222222222:mfa/token", } # Kubernetes defaults self._cp["kube"] = { "configs_dir": os.path.expanduser("~/.kubeconfigs"), "temp_dir": os.path.expanduser("~/.kubeconfigs_temp"), "token_validity_seconds": "900", "default_config": "home", } with open(self.config_path, "w") as f: self._cp.write(f)
[docs] def save(self): """Save any changes made to the configuration back to the configuration file.""" with open(self.config_path, "w") as f: self._cp.write(f)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # GLOBAL AWS PROPERTIES # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def credentials_file(self) -> str: """Get the path to the AWS credentials file. Returns: str: AWS credentials file path. """ return self._cp["aws"]["credentials_file"] @property def aws_global_token_validity_seconds(self) -> int: """Get the global default token validity in seconds. This is the default duration for which an AWS token remains valid (e.g., 43200s = 12 hours). Returns: int: Token validity duration in seconds. """ return int(self._cp["aws"].get("token_validity_seconds", "43200")) @property def default_aws_profile(self) -> str: """Get the default AWS profile name. Returns: str: Default AWS profile. """ return self._cp["aws"]["default_profile"] # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # MULTIPLE AWS PROFILES # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_aws_profile(self, profile_name: str) -> dict: """Retrieve AWS profile information for a given profile. This method fetches details such as `original_profile`, `authenticated_profile`, and `mfa_serial` from the configuration section `[aws.<profile_name>]`. It also retrieves a token validity value, which may override the global default. Args: profile_name (str): The name of the AWS profile (without the "aws." prefix). Returns: dict: A dictionary containing the AWS profile information. Raises: KeyError: If the profile section `[aws.<profile_name>]` does not exist. """ section = f"aws.{profile_name}" if section not in self._cp: raise KeyError(f"No such profile section: [{section}]") data = { "original_profile": self._cp[section].get("original_profile", ""), "authenticated_profile": self._cp[section].get("authenticated_profile", ""), "mfa_serial": self._cp[section].get("mfa_serial", ""), } # Optionally allow overriding token validity for the specific profile. if "token_validity_seconds" in self._cp[section]: data["token_validity_seconds"] = int( self._cp[section]["token_validity_seconds"] ) else: data["token_validity_seconds"] = self.aws_global_token_validity_seconds return data
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # KUBERNETES CONFIGURATION # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def kube_configs_dir(self) -> str: """Get the directory where Kubernetes configuration files are stored. Returns: str: Kubernetes configuration directory path. """ return self._cp["kube"]["configs_dir"] @property def kube_temp_dir(self) -> str: """Get the temporary directory used for storing Kubernetes tokens. Returns: str: Temporary Kubernetes directory path. """ return self._cp["kube"]["temp_dir"] @property def kube_token_validity_seconds(self) -> int: """Get the Kubernetes API token validity duration in seconds. Returns: int: Token validity duration in seconds. """ return int(self._cp["kube"]["token_validity_seconds"]) @property def default_kube_config(self) -> str: """Get the default Kubernetes configuration name. Returns: str: Default Kubernetes configuration. """ return self._cp["kube"]["default_config"]