Source code for ak_tool.core

import os
from pathlib import Path
import subprocess
import time
import json
import logging
import yaml
from ak_tool.config import AKConfig

[docs] class AWSManager: """Manages AWS MFA login, storing credentials in the specified credentials file. This class handles AWS MFA-based authentication and stores the resulting credentials in an AWS CLI-compatible credentials file. It also provides an `export` command for updating environment variables. Attributes: config (AKConfig): Configuration settings for AWS login. logger (logging.Logger): Logger instance for debugging and error reporting. aws_profile_name (str): The name of the AWS profile being used. """ def __init__(self, config: AKConfig, logger: logging.Logger, aws_profile_name: str): """Initializes the AWSManager with configuration and logging. Args: config (AKConfig): Configuration settings. logger (logging.Logger): Logger instance. aws_profile_name (str): Name of the AWS profile to use. """ self.config = config self.logger = logger self.aws_profile_name = aws_profile_name
[docs] def mfa_login(self, mfa_code: str) -> str: """Perform AWS MFA login using the original profile and MFA code. This method retrieves a temporary AWS session token using MFA, stores it in the AWS credentials file. Then it selects the default kubernetes configuration. Args: mfa_code (str): The MFA code for authentication. Returns: str: The commands to execute to adjust env variables. Raises: RuntimeError: If the AWS login attempt fails. Example: ```python aws = AWSManager(config, logger, "company") export_line = aws.mfa_login("123456") print(export_line) ``` ```shell export AWS_PROFILE=company-root-mfa ``` """ self.logger.debug(f"AWSManager: MFA login for {self.aws_profile_name}") aws_profile = self.config.get_aws_profile(self.aws_profile_name) cmd = [ "aws", "--profile", aws_profile["original_profile"], "sts", "get-session-token", "--serial-number", aws_profile["mfa_serial"], "--token-code", mfa_code, "--duration-seconds", str(aws_profile["token_validity_seconds"]), ] self.logger.debug(f"AWSManager: Running command: {cmd}") proc =, capture_output=True, text=True) if proc.returncode != 0: raise RuntimeError(f"AWS login failed:\n{proc.stderr}") data = json.loads(proc.stdout) self._update_credentials_file(aws_profile["authenticated_profile"], data) # switch to default kube config kube = KubeManager(self.config, self.logger) commands = kube.switch_config(self.config.default_kube_config) return commands
def _update_credentials_file(self, profile: str, data: dict) -> None: """Updates the AWS credentials file with the new session token. Args: profile (str): The AWS profile to store the credentials under. data (dict): The session token data. """ credentials_file = self.config.credentials_file import configparser parser = configparser.ConfigParser() if not parser.has_section(profile): parser.add_section(profile) parser[profile]["aws_access_key_id"] = data["Credentials"]["AccessKeyId"] parser[profile]["aws_secret_access_key"] = data["Credentials"][ "SecretAccessKey" ] parser[profile]["aws_session_token"] = data["Credentials"]["SessionToken"] with open(credentials_file, "w") as f: parser.write(f)
[docs] class KubeManager: """Manages Kubernetes kubeconfig switching and token handling. This class provides functionality to switch Kubernetes configurations, refresh AWS-based authentication tokens, and ensure valid kubeconfig contexts. Attributes: config (AKConfig): Configuration settings. logger (logging.Logger): Logger instance. """ def __init__(self, config: AKConfig, logger: logging.Logger): """Initializes the KubeManager with configuration and logging. Args: config (AKConfig): Configuration settings. logger (logging.Logger): Logger instance. """ self.config = config self.logger = logger
[docs] def switch_config(self, kubeconfig_name: str) -> str: """Switch to a specified kubeconfig, resolving AWS-based authentication tokens. This method ensures that the kubeconfig is copied to a temporary location and all `aws-iam-authenticator` references are replaced with static tokens. It returns an export command that sets the KUBECONFIG as well as (if applicable) the AWS_PROFILE based on the user’s exec block. Args: kubeconfig_name (str): Name of the kubeconfig to switch to. Returns: str: The export command to set KUBECONFIG and possibly AWS_PROFILE. Raises: FileNotFoundError: If the kubeconfig does not exist. """ self.logger.debug(f"Switching config to {kubeconfig_name}") temp_file, timestamp_file = self._get_temp_file_paths(kubeconfig_name) if self._needs_refresh(temp_file, timestamp_file): self._refresh_tokens(kubeconfig_name, temp_file, timestamp_file) # get the current context from the kubeconfig current_context = self._get_current_context(temp_file) # switch to the new kubeconfig and append the export command for KUBECONFIG export_kubeconfig = f">>>export KUBECONFIG={temp_file}\n" # Also switch context within the kubeconfig export_context = self.switch_context(current_context, temp_file) return export_kubeconfig + export_context
def _get_current_context(self, kubeconfig_path: str) -> str: """Gets the current Kubernetes context from the specified kubeconfig. Args: kubeconfig_path (str): Path to the kubeconfig file. Returns: str: The name of the current context. """ with open(kubeconfig_path, "r") as f: kubeconfig = yaml.safe_load(f) return kubeconfig.get("current-context", "") def _get_temp_file_paths(self, kubeconfig_name: str) -> tuple: """Gets the paths for the temporary kubeconfig and its timestamp file. Args: kubeconfig_name (str): The name of the kubeconfig. Returns: tuple: Paths for (temporary kubeconfig, timestamp file). """ temp_file = os.path.join(self.config.kube_temp_dir, f"{kubeconfig_name}-temp") timestamp_file = os.path.join( self.config.kube_temp_dir, f"{kubeconfig_name}-temp.timestamp" ) return temp_file, timestamp_file def _needs_refresh(self, temp_file: str, timestamp_file: str) -> bool: """Determines if a token refresh is required based on token validity. Args: temp_file (str): Path to the temporary kubeconfig. timestamp_file (str): Path to the timestamp file. Returns: bool: True if a refresh is required, False otherwise. """ if not os.path.exists(temp_file) or not os.path.exists(timestamp_file): return True try: with open(timestamp_file) as f: token_age = int(time.time()) - int( return token_age >= self.config.kube_token_validity_seconds except ValueError: return True def _refresh_tokens( self, kubeconfig_name: str, temp_file: str, timestamp_file: str ) -> None: """Refreshes authentication tokens by copying the original kubeconfig, replacing authentication commands, and updating the timestamp. Args: kubeconfig_name (str): The kubeconfig name. temp_file (str): The temporary kubeconfig file path. timestamp_file (str): The timestamp file path. """ self.logger.debug(f"Refreshing tokens for {kubeconfig_name}") original_file = os.path.join(self.config.kube_configs_dir, kubeconfig_name) os.makedirs(self.config.kube_temp_dir, exist_ok=True)["cp", original_file, temp_file]) self._replace_exec_with_static_tokens(temp_file) self._update_timestamp(timestamp_file) def _replace_exec_with_static_tokens(self, kubeconfig_path: str) -> None: """Replaces `aws-iam-authenticator` exec commands in kubeconfig with static tokens. This method iterates through the users in the kubeconfig, identifies those that use `aws-iam-authenticator` for authentication, and replaces their exec-based authentication with a static token obtained from AWS. Args: kubeconfig_path (str): Path to the kubeconfig file that needs modification. Raises: RuntimeError: If token generation fails. """ self.logger.debug( f"Replacing exec commands with static tokens in {kubeconfig_path}" ) with open(kubeconfig_path, "r") as f: kubeconfig = yaml.safe_load(f) modified = False for user in kubeconfig.get("users", []): exec_info = user.get("user", {}).get("exec", {}) # if exec_info.get("command") contains the word "aws-iam-authenticator" if "aws-iam-authenticator" in exec_info.get("command", ""): aws_profile = self._extract_aws_profile(exec_info) if aws_profile: self.logger.debug( f"Generating static token for user {user['name']} " f"with profile {aws_profile}" ) user["user"]["token"] = self._generate_static_token( aws_profile, exec_info.get("args", []) ) user["user"].pop("exec", None) modified = True if modified: with open(kubeconfig_path, "w") as f: yaml.safe_dump(kubeconfig, f) f"Kubeconfig {kubeconfig_path} updated with static tokens." ) def _extract_aws_profile(self, exec_info: dict) -> str: """Extracts the `AWS_PROFILE` value from the exec command's environment variables. Args: exec_info (dict): The exec block from the kubeconfig user definition. Returns: str: The AWS profile name, or None if not found. """ return next( ( env["value"] for env in exec_info.get("env", []) if env["name"] == "AWS_PROFILE" ), None, ) def _generate_static_token(self, aws_profile: str, args: list) -> str: """Generates a static Kubernetes API token using `aws-iam-authenticator`. Args: aws_profile (str): The AWS profile to use. args (list): Additional arguments required for token generation. Returns: str: A valid Kubernetes authentication token. Raises: RuntimeError: If the token generation process fails. """ env = os.environ.copy() env["AWS_PROFILE"] = aws_profile result = ["aws-iam-authenticator", "token"] + args, capture_output=True, text=True, env=env, ) if result.returncode != 0: raise RuntimeError( f"Failed to generate token with aws-iam-authenticator: {result.stderr}" ) return yaml.safe_load(result.stdout)["status"]["token"] def _update_timestamp(self, timestamp_file: str) -> None: """Updates the timestamp file with the current time. Args: timestamp_file (str): Path to the timestamp file. """ with open(timestamp_file, "w") as f: f.write(str(int(time.time())))
[docs] def switch_context(self, context_name: str, kubeconfig: str = "") -> str: """Switches the active Kubernetes context and updates the shell prompt with context info, and now also exports AWS_PROFILE if the original kubeconfig defines it via an aws-iam-authenticator exec block. The prompt includes Git branch, original kubeconfig name, and current context, formatted for Bash, Zsh, or Fish shells. Args: context_name (str): The Kubernetes context name to switch to. kubeconfig (str, optional): Path to the kubeconfig file. Defaults to the KUBECONFIG environment variable if not provided. Returns: str: The shell commands to switch context and (if applicable) export AWS_PROFILE. Raises: EnvironmentError: If no valid kubeconfig is set. RuntimeError: If an unsupported shell is detected. """ if not kubeconfig: kubeconfig = os.environ.get("KUBECONFIG", "") self.logger.debug(f"Switching context to {context_name}") self.logger.debug(f"Current KUBECONFIG: {kubeconfig}") if not kubeconfig or not os.path.exists(kubeconfig): raise EnvironmentError("No valid KUBECONFIG set.") self._ensure_valid_token(kubeconfig, context_name) self._run_kubectl_command( ["config", "use-context", context_name, "--kubeconfig", kubeconfig] ) # update current context in original kubeconfig file if self.config.kube_temp_dir in kubeconfig: original_kubeconfig = os.path.join(self.config.kube_configs_dir, os.path.basename(kubeconfig).replace("-temp", "") ) self._run_kubectl_command( ["config", "use-context", context_name, "--kubeconfig", original_kubeconfig], mute=True ) self.logger.debug("Updating shell prompt") shell_type = self._detect_shell_type() # Detect the shell type self.logger.debug(f"Detected shell type: {shell_type}") # kubeconfig_name = os.path.basename(kubeconfig).replace("-temp", "") # Look up the AWS_PROFILE associated with this context (if any) aws_profile_val = self._get_aws_profile_from_context(kubeconfig, context_name) self.logger.debug(f"AWS_PROFILE: {aws_profile_val}") export_line = "" # If an AWS_PROFILE was found, return as the shell command to execute. if aws_profile_val: if shell_type in ["bash", "zsh"]: export_line = f">>>export AWS_PROFILE={aws_profile_val}\n" elif shell_type == "fish": export_line = f">>>set -gx AWS_PROFILE {aws_profile_val}\n" else: export_line = f">>>export AWS_PROFILE={aws_profile_val}\n" return export_line
def _get_aws_profile_from_context(self, kubeconfig: str, context_name: str) -> str: """Extracts the AWS_PROFILE value from the original kubeconfig for the specified context, if the user is configured via an aws-iam-authenticator exec block. This method loads the original kubeconfig (derived by stripping the "-temp" suffix and looking in the configured kubeconfigs directory), finds the context by name, locates its associated user, and returns the AWS_PROFILE value declared in that user's exec block (if any). Args: kubeconfig (str): The temporary kubeconfig file path. context_name (str): The Kubernetes context name. Returns: str: The AWS_PROFILE value if found; otherwise, None. """ # Derive the original kubeconfig file original_kubeconfig = kubeconfig.replace("-temp", "") original_kubeconfig = os.path.join( self.config.kube_configs_dir, os.path.basename(original_kubeconfig) ) try: with open(original_kubeconfig, "r") as f: kubeconfig_data = yaml.safe_load(f) except Exception as e: self.logger.warning(f"Could not load original kubeconfig: {e}") return None # Find the context with the specified name contexts = kubeconfig_data.get("contexts", []) user_name = None for ctx in contexts: if ctx.get("name") == context_name: user_name = ctx.get("context", {}).get("user") break if not user_name: return None # Find the user entry corresponding to that user name users = kubeconfig_data.get("users", []) for user in users: if user.get("name") == user_name: user_data = user.get("user", {}) exec_block = user_data.get("exec") if exec_block: return self._extract_aws_profile(exec_block) break return None def _run_kubectl_command(self, args: list, mute: bool = False) -> None: """Runs a kubectl command with the specified arguments. Args: args (list): The command arguments. """ cmd = ["kubectl"] + args self.logger.debug(f"Running kubectl command: {cmd}"), check=True, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL if mute else None) def _detect_shell_type(self) -> str: """Detects the current shell type by checking the parent process and environment variables. Returns: str: Shell type (bash/zsh/fish). Defaults to bash if detection fails. """ # Try to detect using parent process try: ppid = os.getppid() result = ["ps", "-p", str(ppid), "-o", "comm="], capture_output=True, text=True, check=True, ) shell_name = result.stdout.strip().lower() # Handle login shells that start with '-' if shell_name.startswith("-"): shell_name = shell_name[1:] if shell_name in {"bash", "zsh", "fish"}: return shell_name except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, FileNotFoundError): pass # Fallback if ps isn't available or command fails # Fallback to SHELL environment variable shell_path = os.environ.get("SHELL", "") shell_name = os.path.basename(shell_path).lower() if "bash" in shell_name: return "bash" if "zsh" in shell_name: return "zsh" if "fish" in shell_name: return "fish" # Default to bash if all detection methods fail return "bash" def _ensure_valid_token(self, kubeconfig: str, context_name: str) -> None: """Ensures that the specified Kubernetes context has a valid authentication token. Args: kubeconfig (str): The kubeconfig file path. context_name (str): The name of the context. """ # Resolve original kubeconfig from kubeconfig-temp file by removing "-temp" original_kubeconfig = kubeconfig.replace("-temp", "") original_kubeconfig = os.path.join( self.config.kube_configs_dir, os.path.basename(original_kubeconfig) ) if not os.path.exists(original_kubeconfig): raise FileNotFoundError(f"Kubeconfig {original_kubeconfig} not found.") temp_file, timestamp_file = self._get_temp_file_paths( os.path.basename(original_kubeconfig) ) if self._needs_refresh(temp_file, timestamp_file): self._refresh_tokens( os.path.basename(original_kubeconfig), temp_file, timestamp_file )
[docs] def force_refresh(self, kubeconfig: str = "") -> None: """Forces a token refresh for the specified kubeconfig. Args: kubeconfig (str): The name of the kubeconfig to refresh. Defaults to the basename of the KUBECONFIG environment variable. If set to "all", refreshes all kubeconfigs in the configured directory. """ if not kubeconfig: kubeconfig = Path(os.environ.get("KUBECONFIG", "")).name.replace( "-temp", "" ) if kubeconfig == "all": self.logger.debug( f"Forcing refresh for all kubeconfigs in {self.config.kube_configs_dir}." ) for config_file in Path(self.config.kube_configs_dir).iterdir(): if config_file.suffix != ".timestamp": self.force_refresh( else: temp_file, timestamp_file = self._get_temp_file_paths(kubeconfig) self._refresh_tokens(kubeconfig, temp_file, timestamp_file) self.logger.debug(f"Token refresh forced for {kubeconfig}")